AURORA 5-A Voting District, Portage County, Ohio



Unique Area Identifier651035
NameAURORA 5-A Voting District
CountyPortage County
Area (square miles)0.53
Land Area (square miles)0.49
Water Area (square miles)0.04
% of Land Area93.29
% of Water Area6.71
Latitude of the Internal Point41.30264330
Longtitude of the Internal Point-81.37027710
** Data sources from census 2010 **


AURORA 5-A Voting District in Portage County
AURORA 5-A Voting District in Portage County
Ohio in United States
Ohio in United States


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AURORA 5-A Voting District, Portage County, Ohio (Dashed Border) AURORA 5-A Voting District, Portage County, Ohio (Light Gray Border) AURORA 5-A Voting District, Portage County, Ohio (Dark Gray Border) AURORA 5-A Voting District, Portage County, Ohio (Gray Gradient Fill with Shadow) AURORA 5-A Voting District, Portage County, Ohio (Blue Gradient Fill with Shadow) AURORA 5-A Voting District, Portage County, Ohio (Solid Fill with Shadow) AURORA 5-A Voting District, Portage County, Ohio (Bright Blending Fill with Shadow) AURORA 5-A Voting District, Portage County, Ohio (Radial Fill with Shadow)
